Saturday, August 18, 2007

Inflammation and Breast Cancer

Although chronic inflammation is a rarely discussed condition, it is, in fact, often the underlying cause of most major diseases.

Inflammation is your immune system's response to an "insult"­an injury, like a pulled muscle or a cut-or an "intruder," such as an allergen, bacteria, virus, or chemical irritant. Your immune system reacts by releasing white blood cells and chemicals into
the bloodstream, which infiltrate your tissues, causing inflammatory trademarks: redness, heat, swel­ling, and pain. Here's where, and in what form, untreated or chronic inflammation can strike:
BRAIN Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis

EYES conjunctivitis

SINUSES sinusitis

FACE acne

GUMS periodontal disease

LUNGS asthma, bronchitis

COLON colitis

INTESTINE Crohn's disease

VAGINA vaginitis

NOSE rhinitis

THROAT Laryngitis Acid Reflux

vasculitis, atherosclerosis, heart disease

JOINTS arthritis

PANCREAS diabetes

STOMACH gastritis


HIP bursitis

SKIN psoriasis

TENDONS tendonitis

For more information see Muriella's Corner Newsletter here

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wellness and Breast Cancer

From Muriella's Corner, the online newsletter on health and nutrition, we will share information and healing methodologies relevant to cancer wellness.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Radiation on left breast increases risk of heart damage

Women with early-stage cancer of the left breast who are treated with radiation as a component of breast-sparing treatment, have an increased risk of developing radiation-related coronary damage, researchers report.

Nevertheless, "the benefits of radiation therapy for breast cancer still clearly outweigh the risks," Dr. Candace R. Correa told Reuters Health. "However," she added, "there may still be room for improvement in radiation techniques," when radiation is applied to the breast on the same side as the heart.

Correa, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and colleagues examined the medical records of 961 stage I-II breast cancer patients to look into this issue of radiation damage to the heart's arteries.

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